Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Many Things To Celebrate, Part 1

May 18th, double celebration we had!

We had a double celebration, since it was Ate Nenette's Birthday and Ina & Ama's Wedding Anniversary. We had a simple get together with families only.

May 29th, my Tatay's Birthday!

He celebrated his birthday at my sister Amor's house on Saturday, May 27th. Just as we want it to be, only families are there. Well, having said that, we have a pretty big family here now in Canada, plus our extended families.

How We Celebrate This with Thankfulness?!

May 19th, we took them out, Ina & Ama and Tatay, to have dinner out at Pickle Barrel. We had fun strolling in the mall before we headed to the restaurant. The food was good but nothing special for me, I think I can cook those meals the same if not better (Yay! as if I can cook now!) Anyway, we're not talking about just the food, this is more of just being together, one big family! Thanks again to my Tatay, and Ina & Ama, for being our parents and being always there for us. We love you!

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

42 Days Get-A-Way!

LEAVING FROM: 3 Orpington Crescent
GOING TO: Princess Margaret Hospital

DEPARTING: March 20th, @ 11 am dropped by Kuya Lemuel with Ate Cindy and Destiny
RETURN: May 1st @ 5 pm picked up by Jerson

HOTEL: Princess Margaret Hospital

GUESTS: Of course, I have my regular guests like, Jerson, Jensine, Ina, Ama, Tatay, Ate Irma, Ate Nancy, Dete Amor, Ate Nenette, Kuya Rene, Uriel, Rainon, Sheila, Eli, Adi, Rob, Arly, Jeff, Jill, Cathy, Jops, and many more.

CALLERS and MESSAGES: So many to mention...

ACTIVITIES: I was admitted to the hospital for GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE on LIVER, GUT and SKIN.
  • First week, I am not allowed to eat anything other than "clear broth". Yes, clear broth, chicken, beef or vegetable clear diet was stricted to lactose free, sugar free, caffeine free, fat free, well, since only clear broth I can have, I guess restricted to everything...hihihi
  • Second week, my diet is still the same.
  • Third week, they added low fiber starchy food, like white bread, crackers, white rice. Yipppee!
  • Fourth week, they added sugar. Now, at least, I can have Jelly on my toast or honey!
  • Fifth week, I can have almost everything but I have to do it gradually. I can have meat, so I started with fish. I can also have some low fiber vegetables and fruits but depending how I can tolerate it. I can only add 3 new items in a day on my meals.
  • Until now, even when I am home, I still have some stuff that I cannot eat, especially, those things that hard to digest. I have not dare to eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables like brocolli, apple, brussel sprouts and greens.
DEALS: I may have been in the hospital for quite a while with so much pain (I was taking Morphin a lot in the beginning!) but I ALWAYS feel GOD's presence all the time I was there. HE never leave me nor forsake me!

DESTINATIONS: While I was in the hospital, I realized so many things things or I should say, God made me realized things more clearly. I hope that God will lead and use me...

Right now, I am still very weak. Since I had so much STEROIDS (these was the medication to help me for my GVH Disease) for a long period of time, I lost a lot of muscles and muscles strength on my legs. I could hardly walk. I am using a wheelchair for now to go to my appointments at PMH. At home, I use a walker to walk around the house. I don't usually go down and up the stairs. I have an Occupational Therapist who come visit me in the house for my mobility needs. By next week, I will have a Physiotherapist to help and possibly a Home Care to help me on my personal needs. Overall, I am doing better now that I am home. Thanks for all your prayers!
