Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Many Things To Celebrate, Part 1

May 18th, double celebration we had!

We had a double celebration, since it was Ate Nenette's Birthday and Ina & Ama's Wedding Anniversary. We had a simple get together with families only.

May 29th, my Tatay's Birthday!

He celebrated his birthday at my sister Amor's house on Saturday, May 27th. Just as we want it to be, only families are there. Well, having said that, we have a pretty big family here now in Canada, plus our extended families.

How We Celebrate This with Thankfulness?!

May 19th, we took them out, Ina & Ama and Tatay, to have dinner out at Pickle Barrel. We had fun strolling in the mall before we headed to the restaurant. The food was good but nothing special for me, I think I can cook those meals the same if not better (Yay! as if I can cook now!) Anyway, we're not talking about just the food, this is more of just being together, one big family! Thanks again to my Tatay, and Ina & Ama, for being our parents and being always there for us. We love you!

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