Thursday, October 30, 2008

Out of Sight...Out of Mind... sometimes true but not always.

I've been away for a while, ok, let's rephrase that...I've been away from blogging for more than a year. But that does not mean God's goodness never happened or reflected in my life for the past year. And that He is always in my mind everyday.

From GoEnglish, Out of sight, out of mind means "There are some things which we think about only as long as we can see them in front of us". Anyway, with regards to our great God...We live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

It's really hard to find a reason why I have not shared anything for the past year...let's try it this way...Absence makes the heart grow fonder. (GoEnglish)Did that work?

Anyhow, at this time of the year, I do celebrate something...we'll call it my second life birthday...yes...that's how fast time was running. It's been 3 years since I had my Bone Marrow Transplant. I had my annual check-up at Princess Margaret Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital last October 21st. Everything went well...God is good...All the time.

I hope this is a restart of my blogging days...

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Six Months to Blog

It's been a while and just realizing it's been 6 months since my last blog. I've been a very, very busy wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, great aunt ("oh yeah"), friend and worker (another "oh yeah" to that). I don't want this post to be very, very long so I will briefly give you the highlights of my past six months.


  • Early April, my father and parent's in-law went back to Philippines for vacation for 2 months. Imagine me being a full-time mom doing the chores. Of course, I have the full support from my beloved husband.

  • 5- Jensine started to attend Tae-kwon-do classes once a week.
  • 17- I had my monthly check-up at Princess Margaret Hospital- blood test, eye exam and doctor's appointment -all is well.
  • Still bringing Jensine for hid Tae-kwon-do classes every week.

  • 15- I had my monthly check-up at Princess Margaret Hospital- blood test, eye exam and doctor's appointment -all is well. My doctor told me to stop my anti-rejection pills.

  • 20- I still did not have enough, I helped a friend for her son's birthday preparations with invitations and give-aways. Another passion of mine not many people knows.
  • 8- Jensine passed his Tae-kwon-do Yellow Stripe Belt Exam.
  • 12- had my monthly check-up at Princess Margaret Hospital- blood test, eye exam bone mineral density test, dental appointment and doctor's appointment -all is very well. I will be back to see them in 3 months.
  • First day of work, my manager, was able to arrange with the company for me to work 2 days from home and the other 3 days, I will be in the office.

22- Jensine's Senior Kindergarten Graduation Day / Jerson's birthday

Since, it's Jerson's Birthday, too, the 3 of us went out for lunch to celebrate.

Our Barkada also gave us a Surprised Party, for Jensine's Graduation, Jerson's Birthday and my new job.

  • 1 to 7- Vacation Bible School at Mt. Zion Church
  • 6- Friends from Chicago visited us.
  • 22- Explore the beauty of nature in Niagara Falls.
  • the rest were just work and home. Adjusting to my new load of commitment.


  • 5- Brought Jensine to Circus
  • 7- Follow up with the denists at Princess Margaret
  • 10- Auntie Juliet visited us from California
  • 25- Share God's Good News at Kalamazoo, Michigan and had the chance to visit Battlecreek, Michigan.
  • 27 - Jensine watched Toopie & Binoe Live Show at Vaughan Mills


  • 1 to 3- Road trip to Pennsylvania. Visited Lost River Cavern, Crayola Factory, Hershey Factory and King of Prussia Mall

After all these big changes from being very ill, home/hospital stay gal, I probably stretched my energy so much that I got sick middle of September. No worries and no regrets, for today, I am celebrating my 2-Year Anniversary of my Bone Marrow Transplant. On Monday, October 1st, I will have my Anniversary check-up from blood test, Pulmonary Function Test, Mammogram and doctor's appointment.

For all these, all I can say is "God is Good, all the Time". All praises are to Him, our God and Saviour, from whom all blessings flow.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

When You Believe...

Please click this link to listen to the song while reading my blog.

Many nights we pray
With no proof anyone could hear
And our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know theres much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we know we could

Hearing this song reminds me of my past experience...exactly 2 years ago...when I thought I would say to my friends and acquaintances, "that's all folks" or to my relatives, "this is it, please take care of Jensine and Jerson, or to my love buddies, Jerson and Jensine, "I will always be in your heart"...reminiscing still makes me cry, but now with tears of joy and thankfulness.

And now I am standing here
My hearts so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
There can be miracles When you believe
Though hope is frail Its hard to kill
Who know what miracle
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

I have learn so much in this experience and I have also seen how many friends I have. How much they are willing to be there for me and will always be ready to be there for my hubby and son. When you give all your worries to Him, you will be amaze of what science can do with lots of prayers and human love. I can only say there can be miracles when you believe...

They dont always happen when you ask
And its easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see you way safe through the rain
Thought of a still resilient voice
Says love is very near

When exactly 2 years ago I heard, "2 months to live" I hear, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

More good promises for you and for me...just believe.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me...

Another year of blessing. Just few of the greetings and wishes I received for my birthday.

Happy birthday Kaye! More birthdays to come! God bless always!- Rhea

Happy Birthday sis! Just always hang on and you'll be fine. Always remember we'll always be here for you. - Ate nancy

Happy Birthday Ate wishes and may God continue to bless you with the fullness and richness of His Blessings=) ur life is a living testimony of what GOd has done for u..and i know that even through your trials and troubles..ur faith in has not been hindered and you can truely witness God miracles that He has done in your life, just think..maybe if it wasn't for Him..maybe you wouldn't have this birthday...sooo I ask God to continue to strengthen you and may u be able to spread His love through ur life and through your testimony=) May He truely continue to dwell within you heart=) Love Christine Alberastine

I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a smile :) on this wonderous occasion and hopes of success in all your endeavours to come with you and your family. "Behold , I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places wither thou goest; I will not leave thee" Genesis 28:15. Pray about everything, worry about nothing. Take care and have a Blessed Sabbath to come. - A.j. Basit

Hi Kaye - Have fun on your birthday! May you have many many more birthdays to come!!!!Regards to your family, - Deg

Happy Birthday!!! God is really good and i know he has a purpose for you out here... I always pray for you... i know you will reach more than what you expected... all we need is to keep holdin on... love you... - Ate Annie

kmusta na ?Beleted happy birthday sa yo.and god bless ur family. - B-chelle


Happy Birthday 2 uTake care always and God Bless - Arel

Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your Birthday. Have a blessed Birthday Mare! You're always in my prayers!Love & Hugs,"Ate" Jo-Anne ^_^

b-lated happy b-day po.wishing u a healthy and happy life.god bless - Donna

There are more greetings and wishes from friends, family and love ones. Thank you for all those who remember my birthday. Same as last year, I was crying again on my birthday not because of my past but because of my son, Jensine...yes, I said I was crying again for I remember I was crying last year. This time it was different...we were having chat last Friday, March 9 (my birthday), before we went to bed...I don't remember why all of a sudden our conversation turned to this...

Jensine: Mom, I want to be a doctor, so if they cannot heal you I'll be there . I'll save the day.

I can't help myself but cry in front of him...his young age and mind...does not fully understand my situation. But I hope and pray that God will give him wisdom and knowledge to understand and accept what the future holds us...this is my prayer.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm Back!

...not just in blogging but also in the hospital.

Yes, I was in the hospital last week. Jerson brought me to the emergency for 39.something fever. I did not want to go at first so I tried to wait, thinking maybe my fever will go down. But I had chills and been shaking for a while. When we called Princess Margaret Hospital, they told Jerson I had to be seen by a doctor. So we were going to see the doctor near us, but I could not even stand by myseld nor walk down the stairs to get to the van. I was so weak that Jerson decided to call 9-1-1.

So from Monday, March 5 I was in the hospital near us, Etobicoke General. It was not my first option but I had no choice, paramedics can only take me to the nearest hospital.

My blood pressure was so low, 89 over 58 (normal is 120 over 80), even the IV to increase my fluid did not help. It was like that for the days I was confined in the hospital. There were times it will go up to 107 over 80 but that was very seldom.

They found out I had infection in my blood. I am home now but still taking antibiotic for another week.

My white blood counts went up too, something that anybody can worry about since my history of Leukemia...but Psalms 36, verses 7 - 9... This is what Pastor Edwin Martin read to us when he visited me in the hospital.
7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.
8 They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.
9 For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Imagine Me Without You

Last night, we attended the Mid-week Prayer. Lo and behold, starting from the beginning, I was so blessed that I attended this with my family. The prayers, the study about "Atmosphere at Home", and the singing, I learned so much from all of them. The Message in Song by Zieline Lucrida was so touching. She sang "Imagine Me Without You" (hear this from YouTube).

Imagine Me Without You
As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
Til the end of time forever
You’re the only love I’ll need

In my life you’re all that matters
In my eyes the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You’re the one that’s there for me

When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you

Imagine me without you
I’d be lost and so confused
I wouldn’t last a day, I’d be afraid
Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you
Lord, you know it’s just impossible
Because of you, it’s all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I can’t imagine me without you

When you caught me I was falling
You lifted me back on my feet
It was like you heard me calling
And you rush to set me free

When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you


When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you oh


I can’t imagine me without you

Reflections: Imagine me without YOU. Imagine me without a family who will always there for me; without friends who always make me laugh; without a church family who supports and prays for me and my family; without an acquaintance who helps me realize my dreams; without a son who always makes me feel the bestest; without a husband who loves me no matter what; without God who blesses me with all these...I can't imagine me without you, yeah, including you!

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia

Our last trip for the year, from December 26 to December 30, we hit the road again. This time, just the three of us, Jerson, Jensine and me. The main trip was to Washington, D. C. We left Toronto at around 11 p.m. for a night trip so Jensine will not be bored for the 9-hour drive. Of course, we brought with us his portable DVD player just in case he will get bored.

Since we were just gonna drive, we decided to pass by Seventh-Day Adventist World Headquarter at Silver Spring, Maryland. Unfortunately, they were close for the tour but we were able to take some pictures for souvenir. Then we headed to ABC Potomac at Maryland.

Next stop, was to get rested to the hotel we are staying, Four Seasons Hotel at Washington, D. C. As one of the premier hotel at D. C. area, we hardly can afford the 3-night stay here. This stay was courtesy of Isadore and Rosalie, with the help of Nan, Bong and Emie (purposedly deleted their lastnames to hide their identities). Thank you very much for making this trip possible!

To welcome my little Jensine, they provided child-size bathrobe and slipper, children's books and activity set, plush toy, balloon and a personalised chocolate chip cookie from the Hotel Manager.

That evening, since we promised Jensine, we are going to swim, Four Seasons Hotel has a two lane indoor pool. This will be his main event for this trip, he misses swimming so much since we stopped his swimming lesson when I got sick.

The next day, we visited National Air and Space Museum, U. S. Capitol, National Gallery of Art Museum, National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden and Washington Monument. There are lots of things to do and visit at Washington, D. C. but with my not so great condition, we cannot go to see them all. I was already tired half of our plan for this day. And with lots of stops to rest, we did not have enough time to finish our planned-day tour.

This was taken inside the National Gallery of Art Museum where Jensine found a Wishing Well and asked me if I have a coin so he can make a wish. I asked him what he wished for..."I wish for a baby brother or sister." Whew! We need another miracle!

Friday, we went to Virginia to see the Pentagon. Again, every trip, we never missed doing lots of window shopping. At night, we just walk around the neighborhood where we see a lot of high fashion stores, the familiar golden dome of Washington, and Georgetown Mall.

Then, we went back to the hotel for another dip in the pool. Jensine enjoys this a lot since this was also the first time I can go into the water, I don't have my hickman line, so I can do this without fear of any infection to my line.

Late at night, we decided to drive around the city, to see the night view. We walk around the White House, United States Department of Treasury, Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Jefferson Memorial and Lincoln Memorial.

This is not our first time here at Washington, D. C. About 8 years ago, the Singles Ministry Department of Mt. Zion Church went here including me and Jerson, because we just got married months before the trip. But this trip will be very special for me and my family, since this will be our first trip together, just the 3 of us after my 2 year battle with my sickness. This is the best new year gift for us, after my recovery, to renew, to refresh and to restart this second life given to me with my beloved husband and son.
