Thursday, February 23, 2006

Down to 25 mg! { Day +145 }

My appointment went fine. Okay! good rather than just fine. The results are great but it seems that my Liver Functions are going up. Hopefully, on my next appointment, it stays on normal range.

The Cyclosporine I take twice a day is now reduce to 25 mg. If you remember it started at 125 mg. So far so good! God is really good! All the time :)

---February 21st Results---

Blood Pressure
Systolic - 90 (normal range = 90 to 135)
Diastolic - 75 (normal range = 50 to 90)

Complete Blood Count
HGB – 114 (normal range = 120 to 160)
PLT – 228
WBC - 5.2
Neut - 3.6
Mg - 0.71
Creat - 58
CMV - negative

Liver Functions
ALB - Not Available
ALT - 32
ALP - 52
AST - 30
TBili - 4

Green: Normal
Yellow: Abnormal
Red: Critical

Next Appointment: March 7th


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