Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Transplant Schedule

It's been a week that I knew my schedule for the Bone Marrow Transplant. But I tried not to reveal it to all my friends and family. I was waiting for the more important date and that was my donors full assessment day. The transplant won't happen if I don't have a donor. My other reason was that given the fact that it was arranged, there are still pre-BMT test that has to be done if the transplant will have other risks on my part. Here is the schedule given to me...
  • September 1 --- LUMBAR PUNCTURE;


  • September 20 --- CVC INSERTION at Toronto General Hospital

  • September 21 --- start of CHEMOTHERAPY

  • September 24 --- 24HOUR URINE COLLECTION at home

  • September 25 --- ADMISSION to Princess Margaret Hospital

  • September 29 --- TRANSPLANT DAY

REFLECTIONS: On Wednesdays, we, as a family, try to attend Mid-week Prayer Meetings as much as we can. The facilitator, Auntie Eden, asked me the schedule for my transplant. Right at that moment, I could not tell the date. Although, I have in mind the exact date given to me by my transplant coordinator. I just want the Lord to give me the perfect date. I want things to happen according to His plan, in His own time.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven

Ecclesiastes 3:1


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