Sunday, July 02, 2006

VBS Fiesta 2006: Where Kids are Fired Up About Jesus!

Kid's Fiesta at Mt. Zion started today...this is the team for Vacation Bible school this year, Where Kids are Fired Up About Jesus!

Day 1

Bible Point: Jesus is our Friend!
Treasure Verse: John 15:15, "Now you are my friends!"

Jensine is having so much fun learning new songs with actions. This year, 5 of my nephews and nieces join again, Gene, Keith, Ivan, Justin and Sarah. After last years, Serengeti Trek, Where Kids are Wild About Jesus!, right away, they wanted to register for the following year's Vacation Bible School. They are really having fun, I can tell. Although, 2 of them are overage, early teens, they still join. This is a good way of teaching kids about Jesus with fun and excitement. Viva to our Director, Auntie Suzzette Frias and the crews and volunteers!



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