Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Hairs Are Numbered! { Day +141}

I was asked to give a testimony last Saturday at Mt. Zion Church. Here it goes...

Everyone has their own trials and hardships now and then…but in Philippians 4:13, it says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”. I want to share with you some pictures that probably very few people have seen. (I showed pictures using powerpoint at church, but I am not brave enough to show the world my hairless head :) maybe next time)

As many of you might remember, I used to have long hair. When I was diagnosed, I decided to cut it short for I knew that I will lose it anyway from the chemotherapy I had to go through.

But the short hair is making a big mess on my bed and the whole room. Wherever I go, it just kept shredding. So I decided to shave it all.

So when I first got home from hospital, I was hairless. As time goes by, my hair started to grow. It was still very short when it was time for me to go back to the hospital for my bone marrow transplant.

Eight days before the transplant, I started chemotherapy again and on the transplant day, I also had whole body radiation. After so many medications, chemotherapy and radiation, I started to lose my hair again, for the second time. But this time, shaving was not needed. Before the nurses had the chance to shave my head, they all fell off. That’s how toxic the chemotherapy I had, before the transplant. The side effects of this chemotherapy were expected to be worse than the previous chemo I had. But then I felt very minor side effects. I remembered when I was still in the hospital, one of the nurses whispered to me that I had the most successful transplant in the floor. Not only that, my first few check-ups, I met a lot of bone marrow transplant patients who could not believed that I just had my transplant. Another person even told me, if not with my hairless head, she wouldn’t say I was sick. But I know my limitations and I know that my energy will not be back the way it was for another year or so.

40 days from now, it will be a year since I was given 2-months to live because of the aggressiveness of my Leukemia. And it’s been 140 days since I had the bone marrow transplant. Here I am in front of you still believed that God is the master plan. Ever since, God is always there for me, making things easier on me and making the bone marrow not to fail. I just know because I believe He is the only God who can make things right. In Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

When I left the hospital, I was taking at least 20 pills a day and it is now down to 10 pills a day. As you can see, my hair is growing back again. No wig or broken hair as Jensine calls it. Definitely, He still knows the numbers of my hairs, doesn’t matter if this is my first or second time my hair will grow. Matthew 10:29-30 (New King James Version) Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. It is not important how many times I get sick or how many times I will lose my hair, the Almighty God, the Great Physician, our Father and our Saviour, who holds tomorrow, also holds my hands. My life is in His hands. My ordeal may not be finished yet but there is something I can look forward to…when God takes me by the hand and leads me through the Promise Land.


At 9:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


im lost of words...can't stop crying...

...but you know what, right here right now, i can say that you are in the right path... the path that lead us at HIS feet... I remember Psalms 139, the whole chapter...


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