Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What a Day... { Day +111 }

This week, Filipino churches at Greater Toronto Area are celebrating week of Revival. At Mt. Zion Church, my kumadre (Mareng Anna Salamanca), Jeimer Gorospe sang with Kuya Jerry Tulod as the guitarist for the Message in Song. They sang "What a Day That Will Be", hearing the song made me cry.

I first heard the song from Kuya Danny Miranda, Kuya Ernie Maminta and Kuya Nonoy Norte with his Harmonica. They came visit me at the hospital and sang me songs of praises to cheer me up. This was the last one they sang and I even asked them to sang it again and again. The message comforted me so much. Although, with tears, this song inspired me when I was lying in hospital bed about 9 months ago.

Given 2-months to live by the doctor last March 29, or less than 50% chance that chemotherapy will work, or high risk of death on the first 7 days, fighting for my life, all these and more. What did I do?, I surrender myself to the One who knows the best, the One who promise a glorious day. My ordeal may not be finished yet but there is something I can look forward to...

What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

...Having faith, believing that God exists helps me go through this difficulty. I am sure believing helps me more than I can imagine :)

What A Day (MP3 file by Lisa Guillermo)

---January 17th Results---

Blood Pressure
Systolic - 135 (normal range = 90 to 135)
Diastolic - 100 (normal range = 50 to 90)

Complete Blood Count
HGB – 108 (normal range = 120 to 160)
PLT – 208
WBC - 4.1
Neut - 2.7 (normal range = 2.0 to 8.0)
Mg - 0.82
Creat - 64
CMV - negative

Liver Functions
ALB - Not Available
ALT - 26
ALP - 44
AST - 26
TBili - 6

Green: Normal
Yellow: Abnormal
Red: Critical


At 9:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

your entries never fail to inspire me and challenge me to examine my walk with Him! thanks kaye!


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