Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Under the Weather! { Day +75 }

I know! I know! I said, I will post more often on this blog...but here I am again...but I do really have an excuse for not doing so. Here's what happened...lately, I've been feeling weak for reason I am not sure of. It started Wednesday night and almost night after night my body was aching. I hardly can get up by myself; I need Jerson to help me to get up. We checked my blood pressure, although, it was a little bit high, I don't think it was the reason. We also checked my temperature and it was perfectly normal. Then, I realized, it could be the steroid I am taking. This is just my theory. When I started taking steroid at higher dosage, I was full of energy. Every time I have my appointment, they lessen the dosage and I am only taking 10 mg/day and starting tomorrow, I will be taking 5 mg/day. So I thought, since I am taking less now, my energy level is not that high anymore, that I can get tired easily. But this is normal for a transplant patient, it was expected. Some even think that you will be back to your own self energy after a year. But I still believe that it depends on the transplant patient. I met other transplant patients that are back to their work after six months or less. I just have to start to learn how to conserve my own energy so I won't be so tired nor feel very weak at the end of the day. But this is just my speculation...maybe the weakness I felt last week was something else.

BTW, I am home today! Tuesday! This will be my first Tuesday at home since I got out of hospital last October...Tuesdays was my regular appointments at PMH. It's still on Tuesdays but every other Tuesdays. Yes, my check up is now every other week. But of course, if I will have any serious problem they will want to see me right away...


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