Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving { Day +11 }

Every 2nd Monday of October, Thanksgiving is celebrated here in Canada…As you know I have so much to thank for to many…as in…many…I better start, now.
  • I thank my sister Amor for giving me her bone marrow, to add more happy days in my life…and
  • all my family for being supportive, all of them.
  • My friends who visit me in the hospital, in the house, for giving the time and making sure I am always in happy moods.
  • Friends and families who send me email, notes, cards and messages.
  • Friends and families who take care of me when I was in the hospital.
  • Friends and families who bring gifts, books, flowers, food and etc.
  • Friends and families who never forget to give me a call, doesn't matter where they were in the world.
  • Friends and families who started and contributed and still contributing in the fund raising opened for me by group of friends.
  • Friends and families who day and night hope and prays for me to get well.
  • My son and husband for their love and the strength they showed me to fight this disease.
  • Our Almighty God for everything...I once said...this trial will not be complete, this hardship will not be easy and this life will not be sweet without you and you and You...

I hope I did not forget anyone on this posting, but I thank you all everyday not just today...

HGB – 86
PLT – 16
WBC – 0.3
Neut – 0.0

Kuya Manolo
Ate Nenette
Ate Nancy


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