Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hair Loss { Day +10 }

Did I mention I am starting to loose my hair again?…well, yeah…not that I have a shoulder-length hair now…but yap their shredding again. I told Jensine about it and he said “Why the doctors have to cut them again?” What an innocent reaction? Here’s more, “Don’t worry, mommy, you have your hair here at home, what is it called again?” And I replied “wig”. We talked on the phone while looking at the webcam. We could have used the Call from Yahoo Messenger but since my internet connection here is dial-up, the quality is not that good. I’ll settle with what we have as long as I see my child and he sees me.

HGB – 94
PLT – 31
WBC – 0.1
Neut – 0.0



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