Wednesday, October 26, 2005

First Clinic Appointment after BMT { Day +26 }

Harold, the volunteer driver from Candian Cancer Society, picked me up from home early in the morning for my first clinic appointment. Tuesdays and Fridays Clinic are dedicated for Bone Marrow Transplant Patients. I managed to talk to few people who had their Bone Marrow Transplants 3 months ago, 18 months ago, 3 years ago and heard the other guy had his transplant 10 years ago?!...where I also learned that BMT are not only for patients with Leukemia. I met people with Multiple Myelomia, AML (Leukemia) and others. Some of them had their own marrow transplant, related transplant (full or partial match), unrelated transplant and identical transplant.

FACTS: Types of BMT
  • In autologous transplants, patients receive their own stem cells.
  • In syngeneic transplants, patients receive stem cells from their identical twin.
  • In allogeneic transplants, patients receive stem cells from their brother, sister, or parent. A person who is not related to the patient (an unrelated donor) also may be used.
REFLECTIONS: Some of them could not believe I just had mine less than a month ago. They said I looked great for a transplant patients :) I even saw the nurses who took care of me while I was in the hospital and they were very happy to see me. But still, it's early to say, for other complications does not show until later time. Like my Liver Enzymes, they are still going up but I am already on medication for that.

"Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you."Exodus 23:25, NIV.

Complete Blood Count
HGB – 115 (normal range = 120 to 160)
PLT – 220
WBC – 10.2

Neut - 8.6 (normal range = 2.0 to 8.0)
Mg - 0.85

Liver Functions
ALB - 43
ALT - 296 (normal range = less than or equal 39)
ALP - 62
AST - 118 (normal range = less than or equal 35)
TBili - 8

Green: Normal
Yellow: Abnormal
Red: Critical


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