Friday, September 16, 2005


This week, I had visitors coming to see me before I go back to the hospital.

Tuesday night, I had Karly and her family, with the new baby boy. We had fun, I wish we have all night to chat and to see the kids playing. Thanks for bringing Sean and Gillian. It will be a while before I will be able to see them again. Thanks Tia Dulce and Luis, for taking the time, I know both of you have work the next day.

This afternoon, we had our marriage godparents, Ninang Cora and Ninong Amading to drop in to our house and see me. I think you know where I am going with this :)

FACT: Sapin-sapin is a rice sweet of blanc-mange consistency, made of several layers, usually of different colors (Filipino Food/Cuisine Glossary) Yes, it is a native Filipino delicacy.

And yes, they brought sapin-sapin and cassava cake. They told me they've been reading my blog and they were hoping that I have not eaten the "native kakanin" I have on my wishlist. And yes, I have not eaten it until now, and they are yummy. Thank you very much...for visiting me and for the sapin-sapin and cassava cake.


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