Monday, August 29, 2005


On my very first posting, I said I will update this blog everyday... I have to apologize for not doing so. I have to admit that I have no excuse for I am doing nothing at all at home. But I've been trying to complete different personal stuff like

  • Reading books - I have books lined up that I wish to finish...list will be added later.
  • Marking my own Bible - This was introduce to me by Pastor Edwin Martin of Mt.Zion SDA Church This is very cool and special thing to do while studying your Bible. I will very proud to show you my Bible and what I did to it. Thanks Pastor!
  • Updating my computer - This computer needs updating but I guess I better wait for the pro (Jerson) to do it for me, which means it will happen not soon enough.
  • Updating my knowledge about blogging - I was busy reading and searching on how can I make this blog more enlightening as well as entertaining.
  • Spending quality time with Jerson and Jensine - If you know how to spend time with a man and half. (e.g. doing what they want to do or simply watching how fast they can use the remote) Whatever it is I enjoy just being with them.
  • Watching TV at the very least. I did not have the chance to post anything for the weekend. But I have made plans on what I should post for Sabbath day, bear in mind, this will take a while before you see posting for Saturdays for I am a newbie. Watch out for that, though!

With regards to my health, for the past few days, I've been feeling very well, with a slight headache. Although, I am not sure if this is related with my disease or just a common headache. Lately, my sleeping pattern has a baby. Seriously, I go to bed late and wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. Going back to sleep was very hard. Maybe this is why I am having a headache. Any suggestion on what I can do about this? Thanks...

REFLECTIONS: Today, Chris and Judy have posted sad news on their blog, refering to their friend who passed away. In our family worship, it was my turn to pray and I couldn't help it not to add his family in our prayers. I did not know him at all but we may have something in common, our sickness. It's hard for me not to relate in view of the fact that I was given 2 months to live when I was diagnosed last March, if no treatment will be done right away... but I believe that our God is still in control... and He always have plans for all His children...

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future
Jeremiah 29:11, NIV

Marvel: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation
John 5:28-29, KJV

Today's scripture from "Alone with God" that I also want to share...

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you
1 Peter 5:7


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